The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Copyright © by KeD Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this may be printed, reproduced or distributed by any electronical, optical mechanical or other means without the written permission of ICLEC Organizing Committee. KeD Publishing holds the copyrights for each abstract. Bu kitabın basım, yayım ve satış hakları KeD Yayınevine aittir. Bütün hakları saklıdır. Edited by: Dr. Ahmet Ocak Akdemir. ABSTRACT Students assume responsibility and play an initiative role in determining learning goals and regulating their performances toward those goals in constructivist learning environments. This paper tries to put emphasis on constructivist theory in translation classes at tertiary level in Turkey. To do so, Constructivist Translation Classroom Environment Survey CTLES was administered to those students enrolled in different foreign language departments where translation courses are offered at tertiary level. At the end of the study, relying on the findings of course, some recommendations are made for translation instructors and learners within the perspective of social constructivist theory. Keywords: constructivist theory, personal relevance, uncertainty, critical voice, shared control, student negotiation, translation. A wide range of definitions for the terms translation has been provided by different researchers. Another definition of translation was offered by Nida This definition included the cultural aspect of translation as well. As for the relation between culture and translation, Newmark states that foreign cultural aspects include ecological, material, and social cultures. In addition to this, social aspects may also include social organizations, political. With the influence of Piaget and Vygotsky, constructivism emerged as an efficient and alternative approach to learning. The basic and the most fundamental assumption of constructivism is that knowledge is not independent of the learner, it is constructed by the learner. The social constructivist approach to translator education converts the social into practical situated action; learners work together in small groups, when necessary consulting the instructor who in turn takes on the role of guide or facilitator Varney, Group work here means the negotiation of meaning and appropriation of cultural and professional knowledge by each individual member in the group. Such an approach leads to collaboration not only Escort Design Santa Rosa La Pampa learners but also between learners and the instructor. In such an environment, participants are more likely to exploit to the full their autonomy and empowerment and important psychological responses which favor the learning process, such as curiosity and creativity, will be revealed Varney, Kiralyp. A total of English language and literature students participated the study. The age range of students is between 20 and Table 1. Descriptive statistics about the participants Demographic variable Groups n Grade 2nd grade Another aim of this survey was to assist teachers to reflect on their epistemological assumptions and reshape their teaching practice Fraser, Escort Design Santa Rosa La Pampa Later, it was revised, and another scale was added in order to supplement critical theory perspective in this instrument. Each item can be responded to on a five-point Likert scale ranging from Almost Never to Almost Always. The Likert Scale is a five-point scale. Some other items in other scales were also rephrased to be suitable for translation classrooms. For example, the item I talk with other students about how to solve problems was written in CTLES as I talk with other students about how to Escort Design Santa Rosa La Pampa difficult texts. The reliability level of the scale is given in detail in the table below. Table 3. Extent to which opportunities are provided for students to Uncertainty experience that knowledge is evolving and culturally and socially determined. Extent to which students share with the teacher control for the Student design and management of learning activities, assessment negotiation criteria, and social norms of the classroom Ebrahimi Table 1 presents the findings regarding personal relevance. It can be understood from the table the the mean score for this sub-dimension is 3,31, which indicates a moderately high level of perceptions on the part of participants. It seems that students continue learning about translation outside the classroom. This finding is important from the viewpoint of lifelong learning. Table 4.
Can ve M. Designing and implementing an innovative Problem-Based teacher education course. Nonetheless there are a lot of common words in Turkish and Arabic. Aşiret kuvvetleri ile gönüllüler ise ordunun önemli bir kuvvet unsurunu teşkil etmekteydi. Chicago: American Library Association.
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