Daha önce yapılmış çalışmalar, geleneksel cinsiyet inançlarının ve dindarlığın batı toplumlarında liberal cinsiyet ilişkiler üzerinde olumsuz bir etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. Bunun için daha önce yapılmış çalışmalar ve teorilere dayandırarak çeşitli hipotezler oluşturulmuştur. Dahası, özellikle geleneksel cinsiyet rolleri liberal cinsel ilişkilere yönelik muhafazakâr tutumların en güçlü faktörü olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çalışmanın sonuçları ve teorik çıkarımları gelecekteki daha kapsamlı çalışmalar için tartışılmıştır. Previous studies have indicated that traditional gender beliefs and religiosity have a negative impact on liberal sexual relations in Western societies. Guided by a theoretical framework that synthesizes traditional gender roles and religious perspectives, several hypotheses were created and tested. Results from logistic regression models reveal that even though both the gender roles and religiosity are significant factors that play an important role in negative attitudes toward homosexuality and pre-marital sex in Turkey, traditional gender roles seem to be the strongest factor of conservative attitudes toward sexual relations. The theoretical implications of the current research were discussed for future studies. English Turkish English. Research Article. TR EN. Create Research Close. Abstract Daha önce yapılmış çalışmalar, geleneksel cinsiyet inançlarının ve dindarlığın batı toplumlarında liberal cinsiyet ilişkiler üzerinde olumsuz bir etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. References Alden, H. Gender role ideology, homophobia and hate crime: Linking attitudes to macro-level anti-gay and lesbian hate crimes. Deviant behavior, 26 4 Religion, politics and gender equality in Turkey: implications of democratic paradox? Third World Quarterly, 31 6 Religion and child-rearing values in Turkey. Journal of Family Issues, 36 12— Religion and sexual behaviors: Understanding the influence of Islamic cultures and religious affiliation for explaining sex outside of marriage. American Sociological Review, 77 5 Same Sex Marriage In Turkey, religiosity, spirituality, and attitudes toward homosexuality. Sociological Spectrum, 33 3 The punishment for adultery in Islamic law and its application in Nigeria. Journal of Islamic Law and Culture, 13 Premarital sexual behavior in the sixties. Journal Of Marriage And Family, 33 1 Religiosity, and attitudes towards homosexuals in a Caribbean environment. Social and Economic Studies, 62 1 Cochran, J. The influence of religion on attitudes toward nonmarital sexuality: A preliminary assessment of reference group theory. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 30 1 Religion, religiosity, and nonmarital sexual conduct: An application of reference group theory. Sociological Inquiry, 74 1 Anti-homosexual attitudes in college students: Predictors and classroom interventions.
Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute
LGBTI+s arriving in Turkey from Russia: "Support Ukraine, but don't hate all Russians" - Medyascope In this study, in-depth interviews were held. The present research utilized data from the World Value Survey (WVS) of Turkey (N=1,) to examine the relationship between traditional gender roles. The study emphasizes the direct effects of political-economic structures on mixed marriage and marriage migrations. Legal Status of Same-Sex Couples Within the Framework of Turkish Civil Law | SpringerLinkTax calculation will be finalised at checkout Purchases are for personal use only. DSpace'de Ara. Abstract Same-sex couples are not formally recognized in Turkey. Schwarz, Andreas. The Penal Code provision against resisting an officer in the course of his duty was frequently used to counter accusations of harassment. For example, my friends at the Italian production company where I finished my last film asked if we needed help.
Legal status of same-sex couples within the framework of Turkish civil law
To. same-sex marriage is not allowed and same-sex couples are unable to adopt children. The present research utilized data from the World Value Survey (WVS) of Turkey (N=1,) to examine the relationship between traditional gender roles. There is no anti-discrimination law in Russia and LGBTI+. In this study, in-depth interviews were held. In the light of these differences, we aim to figure out the obstacles which prevent the same-sex marriage to be legalized in Turkey. The study emphasizes the direct effects of political-economic structures on mixed marriage and marriage migrations.References Alden, H. Alıcının kendisiyle iletişime geçilmesi amacıyla iletişim bilgilerini vermesi halinde, temin edilen mal veya hizmetlere ilişkin değişiklik, kullanım ve bakıma yönelik ticari elektronik iletiler için ayrıca onay alınmaz. From then on, in a democratic country, every minority — religious, linguistic, ethnic, sexual etc — must be supported to maintain its otherness. Changing attitudes to sexual morality: A cross-national comparison. We have basically lost our future and are unsure what awaits us now. Istanbul Barosu Dergisi Volume 57, No. Journal of Homosexuality, 37 3 , However, in a cohabitation where both parties have donations regarding the maintenance of the living, it may be hard to determine such Hatemi, supra note 10, pp. Feyzioğlu, Feyzi Necmeddin. Köteli, M. For example, a Ukrainian friend tells me similar stories. This regime not only wants to remove Ukraine from the world map as an independent state, but has also been systematically repressing its own citizens for decades. Schmid, Jörg, and Hubert Stöckli. Google Scholar Sirmen, Kâzım Sedat. Maddesi kapsamında herkes veri sorumlusu sıfatı ile Şirketimize aşağıdaki hususlarda başvurma hakkına sahiptir:. Authorities encourage society to adopt an intolerant attitude towards people of non-traditional sexual orientation. Now we see that people were not interested in politics, but they ignored that politics was interested in them. Google Scholar Emmel, Stephen. It provides an account of legal spaces that could eventually allow for same-sex couples to start slowly enjoying spaces of legal protection. They believe in the danger of a NATO attack, the danger of revolution in Ukraine and Georgia, that people in these countries have become slaves of European and Western countries, and it is impossible to convince them otherwise. Therefore, at this level, I did not have a dilemma of conscience because I have a different theological approach. Religion, religiosity, and the attitudes toward homosexuality—A multilevel analysis of 79 countries. Annual Review of Sociology, 7 1 , Google Scholar Portmann, Wolfgang. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Oğuzman, Kemal, and Turgut Öz. Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları. Reddetme hakkınızı İYS üzerinden de kullanabilirsiniz. Sociology of Religion, 59 4 , Psychological Reports, 46 2 , McCreary, D. Abstract Previous studies have indicated that traditional gender beliefs and religiosity have a negative impact on liberal sexual relations in Western societies.