It must continue to be studied in order to have specific public policy that especially protects all girls and adolescents. She argued that this makes the girls Buenos Aires Escort Independent Video vulnerable to violence. The installation represents different violations suffered by these girls, whether it is by choice, by having had their will manipulated or by being forced into this fate. It recreates a home, the most intimate and private place, which is reached by different walks of life. The exterior represents the idealization around the marriage and romantic love. The experience of the interior is the inequality of real life and its impact on the girls. The audience is questioned about this situation and invited to complete the sense of a unique and powerful word: CHOICE. According to the last national census, the country has more thanadolescents aged 14 to 19 years old that are married or cohabiting, of whichare girls and adolescent women. Child marriage, as well as early cohabitation, is intrinsically linked to gender inequalities. They have negative consequences on the lives and health of girls and this is a violation of their fundamental rights: to education, a life free of violence, health — in particular, sexual and reproductive rights —, to express their opinions, to play and have leisure. Child marriage, or cohabitation, is violence. Saltar al contenido. The Color Pink. Download in Spanish.
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